ProStructures Readme


Positioning with "Only empty" Filter Positions

A new Filter option Only empty is added to the Positionflags and Positioning - Steel Positioning tab to allow you to filter positions of all empty groups with the first group number.

Imperial Fraction Dimensions and Annotations

DetailCenter enhancements now allow for fraction dimensions and annotations to comply with the Imperial formatting convention.

  • Conversion from user distance input style (e.g. 2:6) to an Imperial distance display (e.g. 2’-6”)
  • Support for stacked fractions
  • Display styles can be differ between annotation elements
Supported elements:
  • Dimensions
  • ProStructures standard annotations (position flags, welding symbols, elevation symbols)
  • ProStructures annotation label
  • 2D shape labels
  • Additional annotation text

[Technology Preview] NC Information for ZEMAN® Robotics Machines

ProStructures can now extract NC information for ZEMAN® Robotics machines. The new ZEMAN® XML functionality converts group data from the ProStructures to XML format. This XML describes Information such as Length, Weight, Position number of groups etc. as well as location and rotation of subparts attached as references to main part.

A new ZEMAN® Assembler Output type is added to the NC Data - General tab. To access the option, you must first create the configuration variable PS_ENABLE_ZEMANASSEMBLER and set its value to 1.

Also added, a new configuration variable PS_ZEMANASSEMBLER_SHOWSUBPARTAXIS enables the creation of ACS symbols containing the “X, Y & Z” main part and subpart directions used to create the XML files for Zeman.

Dowels, Anchors and ReidBrace Catalogs for New Zealand Workspace

New dowels, anchors and ReidBrace catalogs are added to the "User Part Center" for the New Zealand workspace.

  • Dowels that work with the native baseplate command
  • Anchors and ReidBrace converted to ProStructures elements
  • Anchors and ReidBrace added to the User Part Center

ISO 2553 Weldflag Designations

New ISO 2553 weldflag designations are added to the Welding Symbol Definition dialog.

Weldflag Vertices

New weldflag capability to add/remove up to 2 vertexes to weld flag leaders. Two new options Insert vertex... and Remove vertex... are added to Weld Styles for ISO weldflag designations.